Sometimes the best way to learn is by example.  The graphic novel FiDGiT Quest talks to students about knowing the Lord and using that knowledge to live your life for the Lord.  In the story, the fictional characters interact with each other while relating to Daniel's experiences and how he responded to challenges in his life, verse by verse.  Through the Bible, the Lord provides us with many clues and examples of how to live our lives revealing to us a wonderful relationship with Him. That's why the stories and the words of the Bible are so important for us to read and study. These are the Lord's words and stories, which He has given us to learn about Him.  

As we read the story about Daniel, we are given clues about how he trusted and believed in the Lord. For example, when Daniel faced many difficult times in his life he chose to trust and obey God and as a result he was provided with knowledge and understanding.  These are examples of how we are to live our lives.


Here at JOR Animation we hope that Digging Deeper Graphic Novels featuring the FiDGiT and the Eggship Crew series will help readers learn from Daniel's examples.  As the students "dig deeper" into the word of God, they will have an opportunity to learn Biblical principles from Daniel's life and use what they learn to build a closer relationship with the Lord. This all came together for me when we used what kids enjoy--picture books (now called graphic novels). Telling a story through adventures, using worksheets to ask questions, to help guide the discussions and keep the students engaged, clue words to help students identify main ideas, spiritual clues to help them make connections in their everyday lives, and trading cards that work as flash cards relating to the story. Most important, the ReadMe Educational Program teaches students about the Bible and God's love and how to have a wonderful relationship with Him.

This educational program was designed to be a building block to teach that our relationship with God is the most important part of our daily life, and that we must spend time in God's word to nurture that relationship.  This program has grown from simple picture cards to something that has far-reaching appeal.  What really happened over the last ten years is that my love and relationship with the Lord has grown and for that I'm grateful.  If you have any questions or insights, please contact us.  Your feedback is wel comed and appreciated.  I look forward to your comments and questions. Email:


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