The Flash Cards are the foundational teaching concepts for each of the student lessons.  

There is a flash card for every verse in the book of Daniel.  Each verse is supported with a compiling REFLECTION, TIP and SUMMARY.  

The Flash Cards support the dialogue in the Episode and create an interesting and fun way to study and share the scriptures. There is an independent illustration for each flash card to aid in memory association. The illustrations are meant to be fun, to encourage the reader to read and want to know more.  It does not matter what order the Flash Cards are read; they are relevant and the reader can always get something from them that can be used in daily life.

The Story:

       The stories are designed to help the reader with social, moral, and spiritual aspects of today’s        living by giving an insight to what is happening in the stories and how God has a plan for all of        us. Each page is expressing God's love and portraying the importance of His teachings. What        makes SnailWorld stand out is that there are five main characters who interact with each        other relating to experiences and applying it to their own situations. The readers can interact        with other readers by portraying a character. The dialog in the Story is supported by the        Reflection, Tip and Summary from the Flash Cards.


Flash Cards:

The book of Daniel REMNANT CARDS is made with the young at heart in mind.  The cards create an interesting and fun way to learn, study and share Bible examples. Each card has a REFLECTION segment as to what is socially happening based on biblical principles. Each REFLECTION has a TIP to help provide a moral aspect and a SUMMARY that reinforces the REFLECTION and TIP.  There is an independent illustration for each card to aid in memory association.  Reading the VERSE, REFLECTION, TIP and SUMMARY gives the reader the ability

 to see things from different aspects.  It does not matter what order you read the REMNANT CARDS, you can always get something from them that you can use in daily life. The illustrations are meant to be fun,

Teachings for Eternal Life.                                                                                                                                            

LESSON GUIDE:  Gives background information and insights with tools to help teach and answer questions the Episodes stimulate.  There is an LESSON GUIDE for each individual lesson that can be printed out and used by the teacher in the classroom.

Lessons include the Q & A worksheet and Clue Word Glossary.


FiDGiT and the Eggship Crew is rated:  Sunday School: 9-year olds to 13-year olds.              Home School: 7-year olds to 13-year olds.  Content for all ages.

Break Down of the Elements


7 Lessons:

The lessons have the same content as the story but is broken down

into seven  parts with corresponding lessons at the end. Included is what do

the CLUE WORDS mean, What-Do-You-Think-This-Means section and questions about the story. The question part has both open-ended and fill-in-the-blank questions with some true and false mixed in. The lessons are based on 60 minute sessions (time per session may vary based on teaching method).


Teacher’s Guide:

This is broken down by Bible verse and page number for easy reference to all

the answers and suggested response for What-Do-You-Think-This-Means questions,

plus the definition of Clue words based on how they are used in the Bible. The

approximate duration time per lesson is approximately 60 minutes. This is based on time for discussion of key elements per pages going over parts for clarity, time for

discussion of how it relates to the readers life outside class, plus completing

the questions and answers section.


Read Me:

Has both introduction and overview of what to expect and how to use the

program. Placing an importance on goal setting and role planning, to provide direction

and encourage learning by having an active part.


LESSON GUIDE:  Gives background information and insights with tools to help teach and answer questions the Episodes stimulate.  There is an LESSON GUIDE for each individual lesson that can be printed out and used by the teacher in the classroom.

Lessons include the Q & A worksheet and Clue Word Glossary.


FiDGiT and the Eggship Crew is rated:  Sunday School: 9-year olds to 13-year olds.              Home School: 7-year olds to 13-year olds.  Content for all ages.

Break Down of the Elements


7 Lessons:

The lessons have the same content as the story but is broken down

into seven  parts with corresponding lessons at the end. Included is what do

the CLUE WORDS mean, What-Do-You-Think-This-Means section and questions about the story. The question part has both open-ended and fill-in-the-blank questions with some true and false mixed in. The lessons are based on 60 minute sessions (time per session may vary based on teaching method).


Teacher’s Guide:

This is broken down by Bible verse and page number for easy reference to all

the answers and suggested response for What-Do-You-Think-This-Means questions,

plus the definition of Clue words based on how they are used in the Bible. The

approximate duration time per lesson is approximately 60 minutes. This is based on time for discussion of key elements per pages going over parts for clarity, time for

discussion of how it relates to the readers life outside class, plus completing

the questions and answers section.


Read Me:

Has both introduction and overview of what to expect and how to use the

program. Placing an importance on goal setting and role planning, to provide direction

and encourage learning by having an active part.


LESSON GUIDE:  Gives background information and insights with tools to help teach and answer questions the Episodes stimulate.  There is an LESSON GUIDE for each individual lesson that can be printed out and used by the teacher in the classroom.

Lessons include the Q & A worksheet and Clue Word Glossary.


FiDGiT and the Eggship Crew is rated:  Sunday School: 9-year olds to 13-year olds.              Home School: 7-year olds to 13-year olds.  Content for all ages.

Break Down of the Elements


7 Lessons:

The lessons have the same content as the story but is broken down

into seven  parts with corresponding lessons at the end. Included is what do

the CLUE WORDS mean, What-Do-You-Think-This-Means section and questions about the story. The question part has both open-ended and fill-in-the-blank questions with some true and false mixed in. The lessons are based on 60 minute sessions (time per session may vary based on teaching method).


Teacher’s Guide:

This is broken down by Bible verse and page number for easy reference to all

the answers and suggested response for What-Do-You-Think-This-Means questions,

plus the definition of Clue words based on how they are used in the Bible. The

approximate duration time per lesson is approximately 60 minutes. This is based on time for discussion of key elements per pages going over parts for clarity, time for

discussion of how it relates to the readers life outside class, plus completing

the questions and answers section.


Read Me:

Has both introduction and overview of what to expect and how to use the

program. Placing an importance on goal setting and role planning, to provide direction

and encourage learning by having an active part.

Snailworld Lesson
SeaHorse O_Buffalo Emporium JOR_Animation